検索キーワード「pdw 50」に一致する投稿を関連性の高い順に表示しています。 日付順 すべての投稿を表示
検索キーワード「pdw 50」に一致する投稿を関連性の高い順に表示しています。 日付順 すべての投稿を表示

画像をダウンロード pdw-57 gun in real life 651242

BO2 guns in real life I didn't know the Galil was in BO2 I can go on from there That's just a random starting point It's in the Campaign, I included the Campaign weapons too, not just the Multiplayer weapons Some of these weapons are also or only in Zombies, too This is a list of links to real life information about each weaponThe low recoil of the weapon is actually drawn from real life, as the AK107 has basically zero recoil The BK57 most resembles the Ukranianmade Vepr, an bullpup rifle made out of the AK74 Is PDW 57 a real gun?Koch Due to a

Pdw 57

Pdw 57

Pdw-57 gun in real life

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